Wednesday, September 29, 2010

For Me Today

'The work of patience boils down to this: keep the commandments; trust in God, our Heavenly Father; serve Him with meekness and Christlike love; exercise faith and hope in the Savior; and never give up."

--Pres. Uchtdorf

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Random Thoughts

- Today is so a 32-ouncer day.
- I feel like I've been through a break up.
- Only, it's not the "It's not you, it's me" thing.
- It's the whole the "stake split and I'm in a new stake" thing.
- It feels weird.
- I'm at the edge of my sanity.
- There are just some people who need to realize that their idea is not always the right idea.
- I know, totally dreaming here, but it's true.
- Speaking of dreaming, I want to dream again.
- Have you seen the mountains lately?
- Stunning, simply stunning.
- I will find that meadow of red that I see everyday from my front room window.
- Someone goofed big time.
- And it wasn't me.
- But I have to take responsibility for it.
- Not sure who to blame, but it's either the city, the title company, or the builder.
- It makes me a little bit angry.
- I got my favorite salad today.
- Only I forgot to say "no mushrooms."
- And now my favorite salad is covered in fungus.
- It's a huge salad.
- I wonder if it will last me the rest of the day.
- Because I have marathon meetings again today.
- Good bye.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Free Loader

This little guy took a free ride with me all the way down 400 South.

It's a good thing my favorite car wash was out of order, otherwise this guy would have met an untimely death.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Dear August,

I am so grateful to see you gone. Your long, hot days are a thing of the past and I’m ready to welcome a new month and new season. I know you meant well, August, but truly, you sucked as a month.

I knew the month wasn’t going to be all that great when you started off with a week of girls camp. Yes, I know girls camp is a wonderful, spiritual, and uplifting experience for many young women. I admit, there were times when I was grateful I was there and I learned a lot. But seriously, there’s a reason why I haven’t been to girls camp since I was 14. It’s just not fun to sleep in places with spiders, be up at the crack of dawn, and surrounded by 400 screaming, hormonal girls. Really, not all that fun. On top of that, you brought the craziest rain that week I was in the mountains trying not to miss my flat iron. The flood topped it off for me. It was, in a word, an experience.

You didn’t give me any rest when the next week I was off to my work convention. This just means another week of 16 hour days, food that doesn’t agree with my body, and snoring “roommates.” I was so tired by the end of that week. The dark circles under my eyes were the biggest they’ve ever been and my feet hurt like a mother goat. Yes, a mother goat…that’s pretty bad.

Then there was too much work and not enough time, straight to a Stake Youth fireside, speaking assignments, relationship stress, and just not enough time to do what needed to be done. My laundry pile, cluttered office, and piles of junk are still everywhere. So please, ask September to bring me a little bit of time to catch up on life.

Yes, August, you brought me a fun weekend with my friends to Cedar City. I loved taking some time to get away and enjoy some fabulous plays. But now, it is time for a new month. September will bring me a new niece, Onion Days, my birthday (yippee), and gorgeous fall weather.

So, dear August, as much as I think you have a place in our 12-month calendar, it’s time for you to go. I don’t want to see you again until next year.



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a little bit sassy...