Tuesday, January 15, 2008

True Life Tuesday

The following are true events from my life on Tuesday.

- Tonight, I’m going to a spinning class. I couldn’t be happier!
- A project that I have been working on for a long (LONG) time is finally finished.
- Today’s temperature high was 20. Yes, 20 degrees.
- I have eaten nearly an entire can (6 oz) of honey roasted almonds – by myself!
- I watched a You Tube video of a guy playing Guns ‘N Roses “Sweet Child of Mine” – with his hands!
- I do not know how to spell niece. And yes, I know the i after e except after c rule.


erin said...

I am going to a step class with JV. Are we going to the same place? I hope not. You'd be driving a long way for that. Tell me how spinning goes. I've always wondered what it is like.

I just ate an entire Cadbury chocolate bar. I shouldn't do that anymore.

Jen said...

I don't think we're going to the same place. My class is through community education.

I wish I were closer to you. I would love to go to a step class with you and JV. I miss JV!

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a little bit sassy...