Monday, February 4, 2008

I Got Schooled by a 3-Year Old

You can't really tell from this picture, but that is the screen with bowling scores. I bowled 74; my 3-year old nephew bowled 75. That's right, I lost to a 3-year old. But it sure was fun!

In other random bits of news, Saturday we were at Lowe's getting my dad a birthday present. C was carrying a shopping basket when he decided he wanted to get in the shopping cart. This is C sitting in his shopping basket, in the shopping cart. One of the funniest things I have ever seen. And yes, we needed two carts. One for the kids and one for our purchases.

And this is M. In our family, it is very uncommon for babies to have hair. All of my mom's kids had very fine, blonde hair when the hair finally decided to come in. C was bald for a long time, just like his dad. But not M. He has the longest, darkest hair. On Sunday, I decided to put some gel in his hair and this was the result.

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