Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The Economy Has Gone Too Far

That's it, Economy. We are officially in a fight.

Mother's Cookies has gone out of business.

Stock up now. This may be your last chance. Stupid economy.


Lori said...

I agree. I went to buy this popcorn i like and it is in a really teeny bag now but for the same price. hello!

Anonymous said...

Most things that were in a bigger boxes or bags before the economy started slumping have cut ounces or packaging. Yet they still charge the same price or more for the same amount. It really sucks. ITA!!!!

erin said...

I heard this news! So sad. I must go to the store and get some animal cookies before it is too late.

Angie said...

I know!! Such a shame! I just bought the cute Halloween colored ones!

Super Daysh said...

You are officially a nerd. Yup. Love ya anyways. How many packages are you going to stock up on for your year supply? You could totally live off of Mother's cookies for a year...

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