Tuesday, December 7, 2010

This Much I Know

There are few things I know in this life to be absolutely true. I know the sun will rise in the morning, no matter how dark the night is. I know winter will turn to spring, no matter how frozen the ground may be. And I know, without a doubt, that we have a loving and gracious Father in Heaven. He loves each of us, perfectly.

Sometimes, life doesn’t make any sense. You may think you’ve had an answer to your prayers, only to discover later on down the road that everyone has agency. You may think you have life all figured out, only to find out that you know absolutely nothing.

Sometimes, you wait patiently for blessings to come into your life. Sometimes, you even wait years for that blessing. And right when you think, “Oh, maybe this blessing is really going to happen for me” something changes.

Sometimes, jobs are lost and you are left feeling like a failure (check).

Sometimes, boyfriends fall out of your life and you are left wondering what you did this time, even though you are certain it really isn’t you (check).

Sometimes, your dreams have to be put on hold (check). And sometimes, you have to take a leap of faith to really discover what your true dreams are all about (check).

But through it all, no matter how discouraging and frustrating life can be at times, I know for certain that I have a loving Heavenly Father. I know that He loves me and I know that He knows me, individually.

He knows the intents of my heart. He knows what I really want in life and He knows that I’m doing everything I can to follow Him and be obedient.

He knows that there are lives I need to touch and people that need to know what I know. He knows that those hearts and those souls can only be changed by something I will say or do. He knows that I may be an answer to someone else’s prayer.

He knows and I know.

I also know that Heavenly Father has a perfect plan for me. I may not be able to see the forest through the trees at the moment, but He has a perfect plan for me. He has promised me blessings, here in this life and in the eternities. He will do what He has said He will do.

Now it’s just time for me to trust His words.


Lori said...

AMEN, sister! I SO TOTALLY know what you mean. And how you are feeling. And FYI, you are totally an amazing person and anyone who doesn't realize that obviously is not good enough for you. Hang in there and never forget how much you mean to so many people. I am grateful I got to work with you and get to know you. You are one of those great people who does have the gift of touching other peoples' lifes.

erin said...

I think we're on the same wavelength right now; I'm back in my vicious cycle of doubt and frustration but I know I can fix it...

Super Daysh said...

Sending hugs and loves your way! You are a tough cookie and you can do it! We need to get together sometime- you should come up to the new house. :)

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a little bit sassy...