Thursday, May 8, 2008

I'm Still Random

The look may have changed around here, but some things will always stay the same. And I'm still random. Here's some more random thoughts from the mind of Jen for you today.

But before I get to the randomness, to those of you who requested blog topics, I haven't forgotten you. I still plan on writing the posts you requested. To look forward to: my weekend (oh yes, this will be so exciting), cake or pie, anything that I want, and what inspires me. Did I miss anything?

On to the randomness:

- I love Wii! I'm really good at boxing. Really good.
- You know that song by Sarah Bareilles, "Love Song?" Well, I think it is pretty true to my life. My favorite line, "I'm unusually hard to hold on to."
- I've learned a lot about human nature this week. When someone feels threathened, the immediate response is to be defensive. Guess that makes sense.
- I've also learned some things about myself this week. The hardest thing for me to see is change in myself.
- Always, always, always we are capable of more than we believe we are.
- You never get what you want unless you ask. You just need to remember who it is you need to ask sometimes. I forgot to go to Him and I need to correct that.


Anonymous said...

Dear Jen,

Thank you for letting me borrow your Wii. I can't wait for our date this weekend.

Anonymous said...

You're random. That wii party was pretty fun. I'm getting a new addiction. I can't waait until "Rock Star" comes out.

Super Daysh said...

Deep. Very deep. I want to play on your Wii. I bet I'd be better at boxing. ;)

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a little bit sassy...