Wednesday, April 1, 2009

I Totally Deserved It

Some of you may know that I have been taking a spinning class. Spinning is a wonderful cardiovascular activity where you burn several hundred calories in a single class. I love spinning and love the stress relief it offers me. Many benefit from weight loss in a spinning class. I, however, have not had the benefit of pounds and fat falling off my frame. But I have experienced some rock solid quad and calf muscles. Seriously, I'm pretty dang proud of these muscles.

I've developed the habit of walking around, flexing my muscles, and then asking those around me to "feel my leg." Well, it appears I may have crossed the line. You see, I was pestering SuperDaysh (a daily task) and kept saying, "Feel my leg." The first time, she nicely poked and said, "Wow, that's firm." The second time I said it, she ignored me. The third time I asked, while standing right in front of her, she punched me! And it hurt!

I suppose I deserved that one. But I still hope I hurt her hand a little bit.



Super Daysh said...

Yup, my fist hurts. ;) And yes, you did deserve it (Please don't bruise or I'll feel really bad...)

Lori said...

Way to go, Fer!!!!! i bet those pounds will fall off soon...though i doubt you need to lose pounds. i myself feel like a human slug lately. ew- that is a gross description... but i meant i feel like i could lose some...i just need to get more consistent at the track for sure.

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a little bit sassy...