Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Overheard at the Office

The characters:
Old man (OK, in his 50s): Dean
Old woman (in her 60s): Yorkshire
Yorkshire's assistant (in her 30s): Yapper

Dean: You know, I just think it's crazy how people text each other. I just got a text that says, 'Call Jamie, she's expecting your call. But text her first so she knows your number.' I just think that's weird. If she knows my number, why can't I just call?

Yorkshire: Oh Dean, don't be such an old folgie!

10 minutes later in a meeting

Yorkshire gets her phone out. She hands her phone to Yapper

Yorkshire: Please send this text message for me. I'm not sure how to do it.


Lori said...

that's funny!

Super Daysh said...

Geee...I wish I knew who you were talking about. lol.

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