Tuesday, July 17, 2007


Something that I'm really grateful for in my life is that I've always been blessed with good friends. Some friends have only been in my life for a little while, and others have been there for years. And then there are those friends who it seems like you've known forever, but when you think about it, it's just been a few short years. I'm really lucky.

I think friends are so important in our lives. Friends shape and form you as a person. The kind of character you develop comes in large part from the friends you associate with as a child and a teenager. As you grow, you realize that some friends are good for you and some are just plain toxic! But it's those good friends, those who have been good examples, that help shape part of who you are.

I've never had to worry if my friends would lead me down the wrong path or tempt me to do something that I don't want to do. I've been very blessed to have good, courageous, exemplary friends in my life. And lucky for me, I can even count my family among my friends.

Sometimes, life beats you up. You're tired, you're worn out, and you just wonder if you really can do all that is expected from you. And then, you get a call, or an email, or maybe just remember something really funny that one of your friends did and the world is right again. Maybe it's a lunch date with a close friend, or an email from an old co-worker. Maybe it's the comfort of knowing that if you pick up the phone or you click the send button, that the person on the other end is going to be there for you and listen and love you...no matter what. And I think that's what friendship means to me. Unconditional, pure love.

And sometimes, there are those friends who you don't really talk to much anymore. Those who have moved far away, or who have demanding careers (or who think they are famous) that you just don't get to see or talk to much. But you know, no matter what, they would be there for you. And that's what really counts.

If you are one of these friends who I don't see often (and you know who you are), you should call me! For the rest of you, thank you.

1 comment:

mo12miller@gmail.com said...

I am glad to call you my friend too!! I love you to death Ring Ring!!

Thanks for everything you do for us. We love you!!

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a little bit sassy...