Monday, May 11, 2009

Dear SuperDaysh,

I miss you! The days just aren't the same without you. SaraBob is trying really hard to keep me entertained...she throws airplanes, trash notes, hot know, the usual. But it's just not the same. I've resorted to entertaining myself. This is the best I can do.

Even SarahBob got in on the action.

Please, come back soon. We need you.




Anonymous said...

It looks as if you need a little more help than Daysh can give.

Super Daysh said...

Lol. I love the masks! How come we never had masks when I was there!? Geesh. ;) I miss you guys too. You'd be surprised though- I actually prefer getting pooped on, screamed at and sucked on all day rather than being stuck in the office. Sorry. :) How about we bring you two to MY house- then I could have the best of both worlds!

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