Tuesday, July 5, 2011

4th of July - Summer O' Fun Style

We're already doing much better this year with Summer O' Fun than we did last year. To the outsider, Summer O' Fun might not look all that fun. But trust me, Summer O' Fun is awesome!

Since Memorial Day ruined my plans to hike the "P" I decided to hike for the Fourth of July. I was probably 14 the last time I hiked this little "mountain" and I had completely forgotten how steep that thing is! Going up wasn't too bad, but coming down was a whole different story...especially with a 7-year-old and a 4-year-old along for the ride. They were little troopers though and made it all the way up and back.

After the hike, we played in the back yard. A little swimming pool and slip and slide action were in order. Papa Chuck may have had more fun than the kiddos in the pool.

Next up...a traditional 4th of July BBQ followed by fireworks.

I still hate fireworks (ever since the sparkler incident in my younger years), but every year I put on a brave face and participate. This year, "legal" fireworks were part of the line up. I'm still not sure how I feel about explosives going off so close to me.

All in all, I'd say we accomplished another successful outing.


Anonymous said...

Summer O' Fun is fantastic.

KMKohlhepp said...

Cute pics! And I also hate fireworks. Especially sparklers! The fireworks are too loud for me and hurt my ears. Just not a fan of them. lol. Glad you had fun.

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a little bit sassy...