Thursday, August 23, 2007

Things I Like

As promised, a list of things I like.

1. Rainstroms. Especially when there's a rainbow.

2. My nephews. C & M are my favorite guys in the whole world. And they are always happy to see me.

3. Books with good endings. Obviously I am still very upset over New Moon.

4. Lilies. I love lilies. Actually, I just really like fresh flowers. But I can live without roses. Way too cliche for me.

5. Traveling. I am so stinkin' excited to go to London. 14 more days!

6. The Office. Not my office, but the TV show. I am so in love with Jim!

7. Apple Cherry Crush. I'm so glad I discovered this creation.

8. Beautiful design. Seriously inspires me.

9. Making lists. I like to make lists. Grocery lists, to-do lists, reading lists...I make lists. There's a certain kind of satisfaction that comes from being able to cross items off a list.

10. My flat iron. The curly-haired girl's best friend.

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